February 2, 2010

Cinnamon Buns

I made a promise.  I promised Liam's best friend Aaron (yes, it's confusing) that if he took Liam to his place for the weekend that I would make him cinnamon buns.  He did his part (thank you thank you) so I did mine.

Here the dough is rising.

I love making bread or any kind of dough you have to knead.  This dough has egg in it, which seems to make it even nicer to knead.  I used this recipe to make the buns.  I would recommend for full Cinnabonness that more filling be used.  Also, instead of cream cheese icing we used dolce le leche, so darn delicious!  Plus, you get the added fun of wondering if the cans of sweetened condensed milk will explode.  Ours didn't.

Here is the only shot I got of the finished product. I was lucky to get this one.

total yumminess, if I do say so myself . . .

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